Robo Wizards
Our Robot is specifically designed to compliment and facilitate double goal balancing robots, as well as 10 point ball robots.
Winner: TAHS Robotics Challenge IV
Seeded #3/Finished #2 in NYC regional after a tie in the finals
Winner: Delphi Driving Tomorrow’s Technology award
Winner: Most Incredible Play of the Match
Winner: Indestructible Beast Award (Team #1),
Smiley Face Award (Team #175), Best Alliance Partner Award (Team #247)
Wedge under bridge 100%
Limbo under Bar 100%
Lift Bridge from any height 100%
Lower Bridge (w/Limbo) 100%
Push Fallen Robots into Goal 100%
Clear ball under bridge 100% (three)
Push Robot Over Bridge 100%
Push Goals Over Bridge 100%
Balance one goal wedged 96%
Balance one goal alone 87.5%
Score points with balls
Handle two goals
Make Excuses
If our alliance partners have tried to balance 2 goals, they have succeeded over 85% of the time with our help.
43 Matches – Perfect Wedging, Bridge Control and Problem Solving